Click on this link for this weeks warm up 



Remember,  Improv means ‘Improvisation’ – you make it up as you go. 

Have a newspaper  (or just a  piece of paper, if you don’t have a newspaper ) 

You are to come up with as many ideas as you can on how the newspaper could be used (as props) for anything else but a newspaper. 

Remember ‘a prop’  is something that a performer ‘uses’.  For Example, a prop that a Wicked Witch uses would be a broomstick. 

So, think about the paper flat, rolled up, folded…..and all the different things it could be used as. 

(perhaps you can take some video, or photos, or write down your ideas) 

Eg. You might use the newspaper for a skateboard, blanket, shoe, flowers, etc….  


Improv using Voice.

We are now repeating the exercise using voice.  

For example… the previous activity was only using facial expression and body language with the use of your prop, now we are adding voice (dialogue).  

For instance – You may walk into the room and wrap the newspaper up like a packet of chips, you may then proceed to open the packet of chips, pretending to eat a chip saying “Oh Yuck, I hate Salt n Vinegar”.  

So you have used the newspaper (your prop) like a packet of chips and used words (dialogue) to help explain what you are doing and what is happening. 

Remember, your imagination is never wrong. Be creative with your ideas 



See if you can sing along to the following song about Musical Notes….Do, Re Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti Do



Have Fun