Prep RT Week 4

Prep RT Week 4 Morning Google Meets

Dear Prep RT families, 

It was so lovely to chat with you all on Wednesday and great to introduce Marcelle into our class family. 

We have updated next weeks timetables, under the ‘Timetables’ tab at the top of this page and have kept English groups consistent. While these small groups do run differently to our focus teaching groups at school, they are off to an incredible start and will continue to have an impact on our learning. We do remind families though not to prompt your Prep child with answers. We use those moments of silence and pause as thinking time and we use those moments to gauge what a child may need further support with. These lessons are designed to build on from each other and help children learn skills to apply when working independently. While some lessons in isolation may appear ‘easy’ to an adult, they contribute to larger understandings that develop over time for young children. We thank each family for their support.

Below are important Google Meet Dates: 

  • Monday 3rd August- Bring a special book (optional)

  • Thursday 6th August- Bring play-dough or blu tack (optional). We also have a special guest joining us! 

Enjoy the weekend and stay safe.

Warm regards,

Mrs Sian Roberts & Ms Marcelle Branigan

Thursday 30th Maths

Good afternoon Prep RT,

We noticed many children struggled to complete the counting in pairs activity today. We apologise there were not enough tens frames. It has been reassigned if you wish to have another go. If not that is ok.

Kind regards,

Sian & MArcelle


Dear Prep RT Families,

Thank you for a wonderful first week of remote learning. 

Please look at the Week 3 timetable, found under the ‘Timetables’ tab at the top of this page. To accommodate interviews next week, some small group meet times may have changed.

Please also note some of the fun we will be having in our morning check-ins:

  • Tuesday Morning Check-In – Bring a special toy 

  • Thursday Morning Check-In- Wear a Crazy Hat 

  • Friday Morning Check-In – Wear a costume

Crazy Hair Photos

Good morning everyone,

If you could please take a photo of your child’s crazy hair from today and post it on Seesaw that would be fantastic! I’ll try and put something together for the children to see with their pictures.

Today was a lot of fun! Thank you for all the effort you all put into their amazing hair today.

Warm regards,

Sian Roberts

Mrs Roberts Technical Issues

Dear Prep RT Families,

Today was one of the first major technical issues that I encountered during our whole class morning greet. Thank you to all the families for being so understanding. I’m sure we’ve all had technical issues, but that is to be expected. Lucky for us Ms Branigan was able to save the day. 

Hopefully tomorrow will go smoother and we can all have a laugh with our Crazy hair Friday.

Stay safe.

Kind regards,

Mrs Sian Roberts 

Hello Prep RT Families,

Please take the time to explore our Prep Blog as well as our own Prep RT blog. Children may like to go to one of these learning activities when their work for the day is complete, or if they have some free time.

Instead of the nightly readers children would normally receive at school, Wushka has interactive readers that are assigned to the children. These are changed weekly and are meant to be ‘an easy’ read. As always, we encourage Prep children to reread a book many times. This is an important part of learning to read.

StudyLadder is also available for the children. Sometimes a Maths lesson may require children to complete a task but children are welcome to explore and have a go at activities on StudyLadder at any time. It is a wonderful resource.

Kind Regards,
Mrs Sian Roberts & Ms Marcelle Branigan


Hi there Prep RT Families,

If you do need to contact us, please ensure you email both of us. If you have had or are having technical issues please go to the ‘Software Info’ tab on the prep blog. This is where you’ll find log in details and IT support. 

Please take the time to go through the prep blog to ensure you know where to find the appropriate material. 

Mrs Sian Roberts

Ms Marcelle Branigan

Warm regards,

Sian & Marcelle 

Welcome Back!

Hello Prep RT family,

Welcome back to Term 3! We are so excited to see your happy faces on Monday at 9am on our whole class Google Meet. You’ll be wearing your shiny school uniforms ready to go for a big day of learning. 

Remember to check the timetable on our Prep RT blog to find out the day you have a English group with Mrs Roberts or Ms Branigan. These days will stay the same.

We also sent out ‘Meet the Teacher’ on Seesaw so you can learn all about your amazing new teacher. 

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Roberts & Ms Branigan