Prep RB Week 3 Update

Good afternoon lovely Prep RB families, 

What a fabulous week we have had. It’s wonderful to see and hear the buzz of the prep building again. Show and Tell has been another success, and the children are beginning to understand how to form questions to pose to their class mates. Yesterday we had fun dressing up in our favourite footy team colours. 

During reading and writing, we have been learning about Fairy Tales with a focus on characters and settings. Each week we will read two new Fairy Tales where we will begin to make connections  using our personal and world knowledge of other texts. We are also going to begin to infer what the writer means but has not stated within the text. 

We have introduced a Bump It Up Wall which is a visual aid that the children can independently use to improve their writing and drawings. Once they finish their writing, they are able to take their work to the wall, stand in front and decide where they think their work fits (good, great or Wow!). From this they are able to see what else they can add to their work. Some children have really taken advantage of the wall which has been wonderful to see. 

In maths we have been exploring 2 Dimensional shapes. We have been sorting and classifying shapes and identifying where we see them in our environment. We have been representing and visualising shapes then comparing our drawings. There have been some great discussions among the children.


Week 4 Show and Tell children will need to bring in their Animal poster that they created during remote learning. Please ensure your child has this and they are able to explain and read their poster. It’s a good idea to practise this skill at home. 

Things to note:

  • Home readers have begun. From week 4 books can be changed on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The home readers are meant to be easy for your child to read. They should read a page more than once which helps with fluency and comprehension. Ensuring they read all the words, use the pictures and initial sounds to help work out unknown words. 

  • Wushka will be updated on a Sunday. All the books will be available in your Childs Wushka book box so they can read as often as they like. We encourage children to read a book many times to help with their fluency.

  • Diaries– We will begin handing diaries in every Friday. Please encourage your child to fill in each day independently. This will help them to think about what their favourite part was, what they understood and wonderings they may have. 

We hope you all have a fantastic long weekend and for those of you that support Geelong and Richmond, may the best team win! 

We look forward to another wonderful week of learning.

Warm regards,

Sian Roberts & Marcelle Branigan

Prep RB Weekly Update

Hello Prep RB families,

Ms Marcelle Branigan has thoroughly enjoyed being back with the children this week, the buzz of the prep building is what we have missed! I had some personal leave this week, but am excited to see 23 little prep faces next week. 

Show and Tell has been wonderful and the children have enjoyed sharing their ‘Me Bag’.  Week 3 children will discuss their ‘My Animal Book’ which they created during remote learning. Please ensure your child has this safely in their bag on their scheduled day. 

As Friday 23rd October is a public holiday, children who would normally share on Friday will be rescheduled throughout the week. 

Please see below the Show and Timetable for week 3.


Have a safe and restful weekend. 

With thanks,

Sian & Marcelle. 🙂

Timetable Update

Good afternoon Prep RB families,

The specialist timetable has been published and can be found under the tab ‘Specialist Timetable’. We have also posted below and we are now in week 2. 

Things to note:

Please ensure you have read the ‘Show and Tell’ timetable as this will commence tomorrow. We look forward to listening to the children share their ‘Me Bag’! This is permanently under the tab ‘Show and Tell’

Please ensure your child is capable of opening and closing their lunch box. Any food that is packed, your child MUST be able to open themselves. This can be practised at home on a daily basis. If your child has a lunch box in a cooler bag, they MUST be able to take it in and out themselves. This is something that can be practised at home on a daily basis. 

Enjoy the lovely sunshine today.

Warm regards,

Sian & Marcelle

End of Week Message

Dear Prep RT Families,

We hope all the children enjoyed their week back of Term 4 and most importantly, their final week of remote learning. Thank you and well done to all our little learners and families on what has been a tremendous effort by all!

We are beyond excited to see all the children in person on Monday. This week our focus has been to prepare the children for their return to onsite learning and begin to orientate them to the new school environment and classroom. This will be a continued focus across the school in the coming weeks and term.

We have enjoyed some virtual tours this week of our learning studio and school grounds. We have included some pictures of our room below for families to see.

Below is the roster for ‘Show and Tell’. Throughout term 4, Prep children will be invited to share something from a given topic with their class each week. Please see the timetable below for weekly topics and your child’s allocated day. As we are heading into a very busy term, if your child’s given day falls on a public holiday or student free day they will be able to share on another day that week. Likewise, sometimes unexpected things happen throughout our day at school and we might run out of time. On these occasions children will also be able to share on another day. A hard copy of this roster will be sent home with your child on Monday. 🙂

Specialist timetables are still being finalised and when these become available to us we will share them with you as soon as possible.

Having been onsite this week preparing our learning space we have been struck by how quiet our Prep building is. Having taught for many years we can appreciate how busy and noisy Prep rooms are meant to be. It is with great excitement that we look forward to Monday when our room is once again filled with our wonderful prep family.

Have a wonderful and restful weekend.

Kindest regards,

Sian Roberts & Marcelle Branigan

Term 4

Welcome back to Term 4! 

We hope you had a lovely and relaxing break over the school holidays.  We were lucky to have some great weather on some days where we could go outside and enjoy the sunshine.

We are both so thrilled to be coming back to classroom teaching and learning next week.  We can’t wait to see you face to face, as we have missed you all so much.

For this week, we are continuing with online learning.  Please check the timetable very carefully as some things have changed.  Some groups for reading have changed, and some maths groups have changed as well.  Some names will not be on the timetable for maths groups.  That is because we are not doing google meets on Tuesday for this week, as all the Prep teachers will be going into school that day to get ready for on-site learning again.  

When you come back to school, you will notice something very different!  Our playground looks amazing and we can’t wait to show you how awesome it is!  It is very exciting!

Enjoy this last week of online learning, but I am sure you are all looking forward to coming back into the classroom next week.

Take care,

Mrs Roberts and Ms Branigan