Hello Prep T Parents and Families,
It is crazy to think next week is already week 8! This week I have enjoyed seeing all their wacky monsters/animals, but also reading the wonderful facts they have learnt about Flamingos.
Next week, I am inviting each child after their allocated Maths group to stay on and participate in a social game with our year five friends from 5S! The meet will allow students to interact and participate in some special challenges and fun games. The new timetable for Week 8 has been updated for your convenience under the tab ‘Timetable’. Please take the time to scroll through and note when your child’s Literacy, Maths and Social Meet groups are.
Also, next week the Prep team have organised some very exciting activities for our prep friends. Each day next week we will all be getting on the Magic School Bus for an unforgettable adventure!
I wish you all a wonderful weekend!