Prep T Update!

Hello Prep T Families and Parents,

Week 6 had many special activities and events in our Prep T class. Please check below to see some important reminders for Week 7. 

Remembrance Day

We participated in a Remembrance Day Liturgy, remembering those who have given their lives in battle. Our little learners created a prayer of thanks and their own poppies to understand how they are the flowers that grew on the battlefields after World War One ended.

Cricket Mascot Challenge

Last week, we completed the first week of our 4-week Cricket Mascot Challenge. Each day we spent 10 minutes developing fundamental motor skills to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. 


In Maths, we have continued exploring fractions and looking at halves and quarters. Children used different shapes of paper to fold and find how to create equal parts.  In Week 7 & 8, we will begin a new unit of addition and subtraction. We will be investigating different ways of how we can add and subtract numbers together using hands-on materials.

Things to note:

  • School Photos are this Tuesday the 17th of November. Students are required to wear full summer uniform. While Tuesday is normally a sports uniform day, on this occasion students will not be required to wear their sports uniform as this week children have Visual Arts

  • Week 7 Show and Tell is ‘My Favourite Book’ children are invited to share their favourite book. Students may wish to bring a book from home that they love to read. It would be fantastic if parents could practise with your child to help them gain more confidence to explain why it is their favourite book

  • SGP Colour Run is this Friday the 20th of November! On this day, students will need to bring a white or used t-shirt as we will be getting dirty from the colour powder

  • Home Readers and activities a reminder that readers are being changed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Non-compulsory additional activities that you may wish to complete with your child at home:

    • Make a prediction before you do your first reading 

    • Find all the High-frequency words within the text 

    • Practise High-frequency out of sequence

    • Draw your favourite part of the book then orally create a sentence to match

    • Make some connections to the book. How do you think the charterers felt? Why? Have you felt this way before?

I wish you all a blessed week.

Kind regards,

Ms Nathalie Torres

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