Today we are going to be reading Up in a Tree. Remember to take a breath at the full stops and try to sound out words you are unsure of. Use the pictures in the story to help you. Remember to read with your eyes, you don’t need your fingers anymore.
The characters you are going to meet in this book are a little girl named Meg and her cat named Hugs. This story is called Up in a Tree. Who do you think is up the tree? Why do you think he does not want to come down?
I want you to watch the video and pause on these pages and think about these things:
- Turn to Page 2 & 3, What do you notice in the picture? Meg says, Come down Hugs. Can you say Come ? What is the first letter of Come? Run your finger under Come and say it.
- Turn to Page 4 & 5 , Did Hugs come down? What is Meg trying to do to get Hugs down?
- Turn to page 6 & 7 , Did Hugs come down?
Now turn back to the beginning and read Up in a Tree . Find out if Meg gets her cat Hugs to come down.