Today we are going to be reading The Good Dog. Remember to take a breath at the full stops and try to sound out words you are unsure of. Use the pictures in the story to help you.
We are going to be reading about the big dog Orson. In this story, Jack tells Orson to do something , Orson does it. But notice what happens each time.
I want you to watch the video and pause on these pages and think about these things:
- Turn to Page 2 & 3, Jack told Orson to sit, Orson was a good dog and sat. But, what did you notice when Orson sat?
- Turn to Page 6 & 7 ,What happened when Jack said “Come Orson”?
- Turn to Page 8 & 9 , Jack told Orson to roll over. Can you say over? What letter comes first in over? Find the word Over, point to it and say it.
- Turn to Page 16, What will Oscar do now?
Now turn back to the beginning to read A Good Dog.