Bell times at the end of break

Hi all

The bell times at the end of break will now ring 2 minutes before the end of the break time. There have been some issues while the students have been lining up and they seem to be moving back relatively quickly so we will see how the change goes.

Also, just a reminder, if you are on duty in the second break please continue to supervise students until the teachers not on duty return to their classes.


One Minute’s Silence

Good morning everyone!
Just a reminder:
At 11am today we will let the bell ring and spend a few minutes acknowledging Anzac Day. You will hear a brief introduction, the Last Post, followed by 1 minute’s Silence,which will be led by two of our RE team students.
Please wait to eat until after this. We have also added a prayer for this morning on your Morning Meeting Slides.
Thank you,
Alessia and Reggie


Good afternoon SGP teachers

Please ensure you are the one handing out lunch orders when they have been collected from the canteen.

Yesterday a lunch order was placed for a child, they didn’t know or forgot and didn’t have lunch at all. The lunch order was still in the tub when it was returned to the canteen this morning. Sometimes orders are placed last minute so please just make sure the tub is empty at eating time so children do not miss out on their food.

If there is a lunch order for a student that is absent, please send it to the office and we will call parents in case they want to collect it. (yes, they often come to collect..)

Thank you
Admin Team


Anzac Day

Good afternoon!
Due to closure days next Thursday and Friday, we will take a moment to commemorate Anzac Day on Wednesday the 23rd of April. I have added 3 slides to next Wednesday’s morning meetings slides which include a prayer that you may use, or if you’d prefer, one of your own. Also, at 11am, straight after the bell, we will have a short announcement over the PA, then the last Bugle will be played and then one minute’s silence. Eating time will begin after these 3 minutes.

Please don’t hesitate to ask should you want resource ideas for any Anzac Day Lessons too.

Thank you,
RE Team

Photo Day timetable for tomorrow

Please find the photo day timetable below.
We will not be taking the whole staff photo tomorrow, instead we will take it the same day as the whole school photo later in the year.
Teaching staff & Co-Educators please to present yourself for individual portrait photos at the same time as your class.
Non teaching staff, please present yourself for your portrait prior to 9am.