Year 5  Week 6 Visual Arts Program

Nature as an element

Learning Intention: For students to be able to create an artistic picture using elements found within our nature surroundings.

Success Criteria: Students can produce an artistic piece using either two or three of the elements shown here or of their own findings.

Students are to produce a piece of artwork using any of the natural resources they can find outside.

Nature art for kids often combines being outside with physical movement and creative activity.  Create your picture, here are some examples I have found for you.  You can either try to replicate one of these or, create your very own, the choice is yours.  Let your creativity flow and come up with as many different variations as possible!  I can’t wait to see your pieces.  Please remember to record and share with me!

Rock and Nature mandala

Leaf Printing on a paper plate

Flower sun catcher

Making nature Kaleidoscopes

Cloud Painting

Leaf painting

Remember it is totally up to you as to how you present your artistic creation.  Use some of my examples or alternatively, come up with your own combinations.  You may choose to use one, two or more of the natural elements to put your picture together.  Be resourceful use things that you can find outside your home.  I am looking forward to seeing your pieces and DON’T FORGET TO SHARE!

The video above shows how to make a leaf print using leaves found in nature.  There are parts of this project that require parental assistance.  I hope you have found this useful? I was really impressed with the beautiful print that was presented.

I have also included a series of videos to give you some ideas, on how you might want to approach some of these creative natural art element pictures.  These are some of my favourites, I hope you find these useful, please feel free to create your own.

Hello everyone, im looking forward to seeing everyones sketchbook entry from last week!

How did you go with your instrument making?

Did you manage to sketch your instrument in your sketchbook?

Please share!


Teresa Velardi (Visual Art Teacher)

Please feel free to contact me and REMEMBER TO SHARE!