Week 3 Year 6 Visual Arts Activity

As previously mentioned in my blog Mr Sheedy and myself are organising sketch books for each of the students to use during art sessions.  Please encourage your son or daughter to use it and to draw, sketch or design any of the images they see or enjoy creating at home, inside, outside in the backyard at the local park etc.  I look forward to seeing these pictures please share them with me via email or a google doc if you can.


I would just like to touch base with all of my year 6 students.  If you have not already completed your artist study I would now like you to start finishing off and sharing with me please.  You can share these by emailing me or sharing your google doc.

If you do not have the questions I will share them with you now


Which artist have you chosen for your  project?

What inspired you to choose this artist?

Tell me about your artist.


 Date of birth?

What inspired them to become an artist?

Name and list some of their pieces?

Do they have a famous piece they are renowned for?

What techniques have they used to create their pieces? Brush strokes, sketching, splatting?

What type of materials did they use? Chalk, paint, charcoal?

Are they still alive today?

If so how have they contributed to their community?

Would you recommend these pieces to other members of the community?

If so why?

Have you enjoyed putting together this research project?

What did you enjoy most?

What did you enjoy least?

What areas could you improve on?

How could you have improved on your artist’s piece of work?

Please remember to share with me.  I’m looking forward to receiving all these amazing pieces!


*Please enter the Zart art competition you just never know your entry may be the one that wins!
