

Learning Intention: We are learning to use a range of strategies to take words apart and understand what they mean.

Teacher video: Watch Miss Toro finish the book Squawk and see if your prediction was correct.

Task: go to your reading group to see your follow up activity

(Alex, Gloria, Julien, Marty)


Learning Intention: We are learning to write a procedure to inform our audience.

What you need: how to procedure sheet

Warm Up: wordshark 10 minutes


Teacher video: watch Miss Scott make fairy bread, make a procedure anchor chart and explain your task!


Use the resource given in your pack


  • Fill out the sheet of how to make fairy bread


    • Draw a picture to match each step


  • Use the vocabulary to get the correct spelling


Additional activity: test out your procedure, can someone else follow it?


Learning Intention: We are learning to compare objects mass

What you need:  120 chart, counter

Warm up: Locating numbers on a 120 chart, close eyes, drop counter, what is 1 more, 1 less. Continue this for 5 minutes see how many activities you can get.

Teacher Video: Miss Toro is explaining the Task for today’s lesson.


  • Find 5 objects around your house, and put them in order from lightest to heaviest
  • Draw and write the object in order in your workbook and number them in order.

Challenge: can you find another object that has the same mass as the ones you have found?

Have a look in Resources for Afternoon Activities

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