Yes.I want to know more about the Tesseract and What Mrs Whatsit knows about it that they don’t. It is a whole lot of mystery and leaves me hanging to find out more about it.
YES this definitely made me want to read on, it gave me a rush to read on and discover more about the tesseract and how Mrs. Whatsit knew about it. It made me want to read on because their dad gave the dog his breed and to know that Mrs. Whatsit, a stranger, somehow knew the breed was a very big surprise and obviously we could tell that Mrs. Murray was in the same boat as us.
I want to read on because I want to know what Tesseract is because it might be one of the main characters or it could be a villain or it could be Mrs whatsits pet. It could be anything and I want to find out! Or it could be a something.
It definitely made me want to read on to discover just what a tesseract is. I am predicting it is something that takes you to another land, I am also wondering if Meg’s dad might be there? Meg’s mother definitely knows something…