I don’t really understand what the dark thing is because they didn’t use much words to describe it. I only know that it’s a big evil thing that’s very dark and grey and that it’s attacking earth. I’m just roughly guessing that it’s an alien.
I am not really sure what it is. I feel like it’s just like something bad is taking over. I feel like something to do with Meg because the story started off with Meg. And also Charles seems to know what is going on so I don’t think it’s about him. And I don’t think it’s about Calvin because he just came along. And it said Meg and Charles’s father is fighting it so he could be fighting it for his kids so that is why I think it has to do with Meg. But the thing that just made me confused which can make my prediction not true is that they said that other people are fighting it but those people are really famous so it just makes me wonder about why are they fighting the dark thing. Is it because it effects them too? Or do they just want to because it’s evil? I hope it explains later on.
I’m not exactly sure what the Dark thing is, but there is all these famous people and their attacking it probably because the Dark Thing is dark and evil, and it’s attacking the earth, and I think that it has something to do with Meg maybe because she doesn’t know where her father is he could also be fighting the dark thing with the famous people.
I don’t now what it is but maybe it’s some sort of space ship. And maybe there could be aliens or someone. But I am thinking maybe they could be the bad guy in the story because we have haven’t met the bad guy yet and normally there is a bad guy in story’s. And also it said that the dad was fighting it off and he is on the good guys team and he is fighting for people.
The dark thing is a something like a big area and it’s the thing that’s blocking them from their father. It’s hard to describe but it’s like a big cloud or something that’s blocking them.