Prep RB Week 5 Wrap Up!

Hello Prep RB families,

We have completed another fabulous week. Although this week was short, it was action packed!


This week we began reading some of the books from the Children’s Book Council of Australia that won book of the year in the category of Early Childhood. Our focus has been inferring where we go beyond the literal meaning of texts to think about what the writer means but has not stated. We focused on what the big message was within the books.












Book Week

On Friday we celebrated the wonderful world of books. The children were so excited to share their costume and completed fun activities.

We designed a new front cover for our favourite book, then participated in rotations with the different prep teachers.

Mrs Roberts: We read ‘The Magic Hat’ and designed our own magic hats.

Mrs Taylor: We read ‘The Dot’ and placed a sticky dot on paper then created a picture round it. We then had to write a sentence that explained what we turned our dot into.

Ms Torres: We read ‘The Book Week Monster’ then created our own crazy monster.

Book Week Highlights












This week we started our new mathematical topic of Fractions. We spent a lot of time discussing the important mathematical vocabulary we need in order to understand fractions. Our focus has only been on half and what it means and looks like. We did a lot of investigating using paper in different shapes. We learnt that fractions must be equal parts.

Show & Tell

It has been lovely having the children share their family photos. We have been learning a little more about each other in our class family. The pictures are on our ‘Family Wall’ and it’s a hot topic of conversation among the kids.

Week 6 Show & Tell will commence to the original timetable. See below.

Week 6 topic is ‘My special talent’. Please discuss with your child something they can share. This could range from drawing to kicking goals in footy. Show and Tell helps the children work on their speaking and listening skills.

Thing to note:

  • Home readers: MondayWednesday and Friday. The home readers are meant to be easy for your child to read. They should read a page more than once which helps with fluency and comprehension. Ensuring they read all the words, use the pictures and initial sounds to help work out unknown words.

  • Diaries: Children are to hand diaries in on a Friday. Please encourage your child to fill in each day independently. This will help them to think about what their favourite part was, what they understood and wonderings they may have.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Warmest regards,

Sian & Marcelle


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