Hello Prep T!

Welcome back to Term 3 of Remote Learning!

Hello Prep T families,

Welcome back to Term 3! I am very excited to see all your smiling faces on Monday at 9 am on our class Google Meet. Remember to wear your school uniform every morning and make sure to have a big breakfast before we start our day together. All students have been allocated an individual student account for our Google Meets using the following naming convention – The students first name – the 1st initial of the students surname and the year that they will graduate.

For example: Students Name is Barney Ruble and he is in Year 1

His Google Account would be: barneyr2025@stgeorgepreca.catholic.edu.au 

The password to the Google Account is: 2026

Please remember to check the ‘Timetables’ tab to see what is happening each day next week.

I can’t wait to hear all of your special stories about your holidays.

– Ms Torres

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