Well done to all the children of Prep S for a wonderful first week back at school! We have had an excellent week back together again, exploring our school grounds, making new friends and getting back into the school routine. I hope all parents have enjoyed seeing updates of our learning throughout the week.
Next week we commence Week 3 of Term 4.
Some end of week messages:
Sport Uniform Days
A reminder that our sport uniform days are Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Nightly Reading
Take home reading books will be ready to send home next week. Thank you to those children that have continued their Wushka reading.
Hats and Lost Property
In Term 4 children are required to their school hat. During break times children often get very excited about their games and activities and hats or jumpers often get left behind on the school yard. Sometimes children notice after the bell has gone when no teachers are supervising yards so students will be unable to go back to retrieve them. When teachers see these items left, they are often returned to the class quickly if named. If not named, items are sent to lost property.
Handwriting Books
We are still awaiting the return of a handful of handwriting books. Please return these ASAP if your child’s is still at home.
Show and Tell
Please see the Show and Roster of the class blog for your child’s Show and Tell day. It will remain the same each week. As next Friday is a Public Holiday, Friday children can present theirs on Thursday for next week. The topic for Week 3 is our ‘Animal Books’ made during remote learning. I have some children’s books already with me at school.
Next week we are commencing a Maths unit on 2D shapes. We will also be exploring Fairy Tales in English.
I wish you all a lovely weekend.
Kind regards,
Katrina Taylor