Hello Families,
What a wonderful week we have had! It has been super busy in the Prep S Learning Studio this week with lots of learning and fun happening.
This week we began reading Fairy Tales. We started with ‘Goldy’. The children loved this story and it gave us a wonderful text to practise the reading skills of retelling and sequencing events as well as some excellent writing opportunities.
We commenced our ‘Reading Rotations’ where children have the opportunity to consolidate targeted reading and spelling skills in small groups. During this time I take my focused teacher groups. It has been so wonderful to get to use lots of hands on resources in our learning again!
We began learning about 2D shapes. We explored different ways to sort shapes according to their properties and practised representing and visualising 2D shapes.
Take Home Readers:
Children were able to recommence their take home reading program this week. We will aim to change these each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Take home readers are an invaluable opportunity for children to consolidate their foundational reading skills. Where possible reading should take place each night. We encourage children to reread texts multiple times as this helps students reinforce their learning. We model this as teachers by rereading big books over a week or many days. Take home readers will be easy to read texts to help children build their reading fluency. Please record your child’s reading in their home reading diary. I will check these on a Friday 🙂
Show and Tell:
Week 4 Show and Tell will be the Animal Poster children created during Remote Learning. If children are unable to bring this to school, children may read a chosen piece from their Remote Learning book.
Wishing you all a lovely long weekend. I will be spending this weekend trying different hairstyles on my little girl after she experimented with scissors on her hair on Thursday. Oh dear!
Enjoy the Grand Final! Go TIGES!!!
Kind regards,