Week 7 Wrap Up!

Hello Families,

Week 7 was another busy and fun week in Prep S.

By far the highlight of the week was Friday’s Colour Run. Children had a ball as they walked and ran laps around the school groups and squeeled with excitement as they got messy and colourful!


We finished our Fairy Tale unit this week with ‘Jack and The Beanstalk’. Prep children have been exploring narratives in Writing by writing both simple ‘retells’ of known stories as well as writing alternate endings to familar stories. This has been a huge hit and children have had some very creative ideas! We have begun our final unit for the year ‘Dinosaurs!’. We are beginning our learning by reading fiction stories with Dinosaur characters. We introduced some new centres to our reading centres in Week 7 aswell.


In Week 7 we went back and consolidated our knowledge about ‘Addition’. This was a tricky concept when we first introduced it but now in Term 4 children have enjoyed adding numbers and counters and seeing our collections grow. Next week we begin our learning about Subtraction.


We concluded our learning about God’s Creation by looking at our school environment and discussing how Creation can change overtime and how human’s can change and improve and also sometimes neglect our world. Next week we begin our time of ‘waiting’ and begin our learning on ‘Advent’.



Show and Tell

Children came home with the template above duing Week 7. This is the template children will be asked to share duing Week 8 Show and Tell. Children will be learning how Advent is a time of ‘waiting’ and ‘preparation’ and we speak at length at school about things we have to wait for and how we feel while we are waiting. We can begin to link these feelings with waiting for Jesus.

Hats and Sunscreen:

As the weather is getting warmer a reminder that children are required to wear school hats during both breaks. Children are also encouraged to apply or reapply sunscreen during our eating breaks. If you would like your child to reapply throughout the day, please make sure there is some easy to apply sunscreen in their bag. Teachers are unable to assist children with applying sunscreen.


Fruit and vegetable snacks are eaten at around 10am. A friendly reminder that if possible could these snacks please be packed in a small, easy to hold container or packet. Brainfood is often consumed while children are listening to whole class instruction on the floor or working at tables. Lunchboxes can be a often be distraction or difficult to manouver while learning at the same time. Thank you.

Learning at Home:

Parents often ask what they can do at home to support their child’s learning. Here are few ideas!

*Reading daily at home is a wonderful way to consolidate learning from school. Take home readers are meant to be ‘easy reads’ to encourage fluency and enjoyment

*High Frequency Words- children are encouraged to learn these by ‘rote’. Words may be presented on flachcards, duplicate coloies for games such as memory etc. Children may recognise these in isolation or in only one context (at home in flashcards), so it is recommened these words are practised regularly and in different ways as well as recognised automatically in take home books

*Counting to and from 20 and beyond and writing numbers to 20

*Encourage your child to write the weekly shopping list

**The are videos on the Prep blog with ideas for simple games and activities children can play or so with things from their ‘take home learning packs’



Below are some pictures of baby Brooklyn Saad. He is growing so fast. Emily and Brooklyn are say hello to the Prep S family 🙂

The final weeks of school before Christmas holidays are by far the busiest weeks of the year. This week we continue our end of year testing and data collection and meet the 2021 Prep children, all while continuing by our amazing in class learning experiences. 


I wish you all a happy and safe week. 

Kind regards,


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