Admin update

Hello everyone,

An update from the front office.

We’re currently in the process of handing out the red CRT folders. Apologies for the delay, this is due to ICON not having children in the correct classes at rollover, as far as we’re aware this has now been corrected but please let us know of any discrepancies as soon as possible.

These folders must be kept in the clear holder mounted to the wall in your classroom so if a CRT or Specialist teacher is in the room, they know exactly where to find it. We understand that some of the ‘Temporary’ rooms may not have the clear holder – please just ensure it is easily located in your room and is in plain sight at all times.
Please take the time to go through the CRT books and familiarise yourself with the contents. In particular: medical conditions & evacuation codes/procedures found on the Dynamiq flyer.
The contact details for each of your students are in the folder for when you need to contact families eg. extended unexplained absence, forgot glasses/lunch etc
When you are emailed an updated yard duty/specialist timetable please print it out and replace the old ones in your folder.
There are copies of the paper roll in the back of your folder, you can print more from the staff desktop as required (2023/7.Staff Admin)
If we are informed of any changes in family details or medical conditions we will send you updated copies – please replace them in your CRT folder promptly in case of emergency.
There is space in the folder for you to make any notes you would like a CRT to see regarding your class, please note anything you think may assist your special needs kids or students that are particularly helpful when a CRT is in the room.
If you would like to take these folders to excursions to have contact details/medical conditions onhand, you are welcome to do so – just make sure they’re returned to the clear wall pocket on your return. Although all of this information is available to you online.
If you have any suggestions around the CRT folder please let us know – it’s always a work in progress and we would like it to have as much info as you would want, if you were to walk into a classroom you have never been in before. There were 3 folders that were not returned at the end of last year. If you have one at home or find one in the school, please return it to the office as soon as possible.
– When marking the roll, if you see there is already an entry there please do not amend it – contact the office. We enter extended leave forms as they’re received so we have often entered a family holiday or medical leave ahead of time and this information is lost if you change the reason to unknown. 
– If you’re coming back to the roll after a minute or more away, please click the refresh button so any changes that have been made elsewhere are saved. If you do not refresh, any updates the office has made are wiped and we would not be aware this has happened meaning it will reflect incorrectly on the student reports. 
– Please take care to mark the roll as accurately as possible, if a child is marked absent with the reason unknown, the parent will receive a text message asking them to explain the absence. Often we have panicked parents calling to say they dropped their child off and have now received that message
If you have any Year Level specific information to send out we can send it through Skoolloop, just send a copy of the blurb to the office. Anything for the whole school we will post on Skoolloop and also on the Parent community website. If you have a query from Parents asking for the password to the Parent Community website it is currently SGPterm3 – it changes a few times a year so we will update you when that happens. 
The phone list and map have been updated and are on the Staff Admin drive 
A reminder to please let the office know if you have any classroom events that we may get calls in the office about, the more informed we are, the more we can assist our families.
Many Thanks
The Admin Team



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