Chook Names

Ladies, Gentlemen, boys and girls.

 It is official!

With over 240 different names submitted and getting down to a final of three names per chook in the grand final of names I would like to finally introduce you all to COOKIE, CAPUCCINO, NUGGET, SNOWBALL, CRYSTAL, PEG LEG and MILO



Here are just some of the other fun names that were suggested

Autumn, bacon, Barbara, bertha, brownie, buttons, cheeky, chicken little, choc chip, daisy, feathers, geoff, gingerbread, godzilla, hazel, jingles, Kermit, kit kat, knuckles, marshmallow, mocha, mrs egg, oliver, plum, popcorn, princess lay-a, quackers, red velvet, rockstar, smiggles, snowflake, tim tam, whiskers and Winston.


I would just like to thank all you teachers for your time, I know you are busy and putting up with me but I hope all the kids had a bit of fun.




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