Multicultural Day: November 20th

Multicultural Day will be held on Monday the 20th of November. 

We will have a whole school parade at 9am to showcase some of the costumes from different cultures that children might be wearing. From 10-11am, teachers are asked to select a multicultural activity to do in class. There are some here on the Shared Drive. At 11am, you will have the opportunity to have a shared meal brought in by 5 different families from your class. Parents will be asked to volunteer from Monday onwards via a notice on Skooloop this afternoon if they’d like to provide a meal and we will leave a list for them to write on in your pigeon holes. They will need to provide a list of ingredients as well on the day. 

After this, you may wish to continue with the multicultural theme in your middle block, linked to your other subject areas, however this is up to you. 

We will have our Liturgy at 2:45pm on that Monday too, due to the Closure Day on the 24th. 


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