
Hi all

All going well, we will be able to start moving classrooms on Monday. Yr 4s will move on Monday and then Yr 3s on Tuesday but please don’t start moving this into the classrooms on Friday as there will still be tradespeople in there.

When moving, a member of Leadership will come to your class to facilitate your move so please wait until then. Tables will be moved first, followed by chairs which the students can assist with. All heavy items eg. bag lockers must be moved by an adult. Please refresh yourselves with Nathan’s manual handling slide show.

Could I ask that the LSOs in Yrs 3,4 and 6 be available to support the move as well?

Monday order: 4C, 4A, 4B, 4D

Tuesday order: 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D



Wednesday’s PLM

Hi all

Tomorrow’s PLM will be the first part in a four-part series looking at Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander history. These sessions will be facilitated by Helen Christensen, who is the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education Officer from MACS.

Part 1 – Pre-post colonisation

Part 2 – Ripple Effect of Colonisation

Part 3 – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Resistance and Blak Activism

Part 4 – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People in Contemporary Australia

Passive Play 3.0

Hi all

With some of the new spaces being completed, we’d like to get a version of Passive Play up and running again. This will however be a modified version.

We’ll use the airlock outside of 1C (Alyssa’s room). I have placed a table and four chairs there. The idea is that if you feel a student of yours would benefit from it, you can suggest they go there with a peer. There won’t be any equipment stored there, so could you please send them with something to do eg. colouring.

As the area is visible from the playground and we only envisage that there will be 2-4 students, so we won’t assign a yard duty to it. Instead, can I just ask that the teacher on small playground duty keeps an eye on any students in there.

We’ll see how this goes and if we need to make any modifications to the way it operates we will do so.

