Online Maths Resource – GOAT (Greatest of all time) Maths

This is a new online resource that includes a fun collection of teaching tools designed to engage students and help teach important mathematics concepts. The GOAT Maths interactive games promote collaborative group play. They  can be for a whole class or small groups. It is designed for junior and middle students.

NAPLAN – Week 8 and 9

Good morning,

NAPLAN is fast approaching, so I just wanted to give you all an update. Attached is the timetable for when each test will be conducted. You will notice that the Year 3s and 5s tests are at different times, due to the split timetable.
The Year 3s and 2s also need to swap planning next week (Week 8) as the testing window doesn’t begin until Wednesday 15th March and there is an assessment scheduled for the Year 3s during normal specialist time.
An important note for all classroom and specialist teachers
The locked down browser feature that needs to be enabled for NAPLAN will be active during the testing periods. This will impact the use of student chromebooks across the school. Please consider this when planning your lessons.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Kind regards,
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