What does STEM look like at SGP?

Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths

STEM at Saint George Preca Primary School is delivered as a semester specialist subject.

In 2021, students have been introduced to coding (unplugged Prep – Yr 2 and block coding using Scratch Yr 3 – 6). They also participate in STEM challenges, which investigate technologies and materials used to solve a problem. Students engage in the Design process, which is a five step process engineers use in industry.

To read further about the inclusion of STEM in your child’s learning journey, click here to visit the Victorian Education website for parents. Here you will find how you can get involved as a parent, in your child’s STEM learning. The site also has further resources that may interest you.

STEM Remotely…

The challenges posted on this site are geared at specific year levels however, you may choose to complete any of the posted tasks either as a family group or independently. You could even challenge each other to see how many different solutions can be found for the same challenge (the parachute and or animal adaptation challenges would be perfect for this) and judge whose solution meets the challenge most.

These tasks are not meant to cause extra work nor be a stressor, they are tasks that ask you to think differently- out-of-the-box. Take your time and above all, haveĀ FUN!