Blogs and 2ML Timetable

Dear Parents,

I hope today has gone smoothly for you all. If it hasn’t, don’t worry! If it is an IT issue, go to the support tab on the Year 2 page for assistance, or I am available on email for other questions.

We now have two blogs:

  1. The general Year 2 learning blog that we used last time to post all the children’s tasks for the week, and where you find all the widgets such as Studyladder, Wordshark, High Frequency word lists, Seesaw, Wushka etc. This will not change. You will also find the link to our own class blog…under the heading ‘Year 2 Class Links’ then click on ‘Year 2 ML’  This is on the right hand side where the widgets are…but if you are reading this then I will assume you found it!
  2. Our Year 2ML class blog is where I will share reminders and any other information that is relevant to our class only.

I just wanted to clarify a few things regarding our timetable:

  • If you haven’t  located it on this class blog yet, it is up the top next to the ‘home’ tab.
  • ALL students log in to our Google Meet (code is 2ml) at 9am every morning ready for roll, prayer and any other general things. This will last for approximately 10 minutes, then some children will stay on until 9.25am (I will inform them as to who is staying on.)
  • Small group Google Meets then start for Reading (9.30-10.15am), Writing (10.15-11.00am) and Maths (11.30-12.15pm). Your child has been allocated to one Google Meet (GM) session for each learning area per week. This is the only time your child should be in a GM with Carla or myself apart from 9am roll call or if they have been asked to stay on. Please check our timetable to see when your child’s sessions are.
  • The code for ALL Google Meets is: 2ml  except where your child might be meeting with a different teacher. Codes are on the timetable.
  • When your child is not in a small group Google Meet with Carla or myself, they should be doing the work from the Year 2 learning blog. Go to the tabs up the top and click on the appropriate day and you will find Reading, Writing and Maths tasks, just like last time.
  • Literacy and Maths lessons finish at 12.15pm. At this point we are not doing a whole class GM at 12.15pm to end the formal learning time…I will let you know if this changes.
  • The afternoon is the children’s time to do some Studyladder, Wushka, Wordshark etc, and we encourage all students to participate in specialist subjects. There will be one lesson for each specialist area posted per week, but  you should be able to still access specialist sessions from last time.

I hope this helps.

Well done for making it through Day 1!  You’re all doing a fantastic job with your children and staying on top of everything we are asking of you. Many thanks.

Kind Regards

Julia & Carla


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