4. Who are some of the famous people mentioned as fighting the Dark Thing? What do they all have in common?

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    Some of the famous people mentioned fighting the dark thing are musicians or famous people that most people know about. I’m thinking that one thing that they have in common is they don’t live on earth anymore. I don’t really understand why they would be fighting the dark thing because they’re famous people but Meg’s father isn’t. I don’t really understand this, it just doesn’t make sense for me.


    Some of the famous people fighting the Dark thing is Musicans, artists and other famous people who are famous for other things but what I think they all have in common is that their not all living today but I don’t know if they really could be because this book seemed to been written a long time ago and it just makes sense for you to be famous when your an adult not really a child but that’s not true because you can be famous when your a child, and since this book has probably been written a while ago I’m thinking their not all alive, but I don’t really know much of the famous people they said in the book I only know a few so I’m not quite sure. And I don’t really understand how all these famous people are fighting the Black Thing but Meg’s Father isn’t.


    Some of the famous people have brought joy to people’s lives like leonardo da vinci who painted the Mona lisa and people loved how he painted that and also Machelangelo painted the Sistne chapel.


    Leonardo davinci,Michael Angelo,Bathoven and Bah, so many menchoned in the book the have helped deffeat the dark thing.


    This is for charlene: Hi. i understand why you would be confused about this because I was too. Basically as we know the dark thing is evil so the people like… comedians make people joyful and happy so basically famous people are helping to spread happiness through what they do and that is defeating the dark thing. I hope this helps:)


    The people fighting the dark thing are like musicans artists and other famous people. They are fighting the dark thing by not literally doing it by trying to stop it by their attitudes and how they go about it!

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