Returning Monday

Dear Parents and Students!

We did it!
made it through the whirlwind roller coaster of remote learning and I for one cannot wait to be back in a classroom teaching your little ones.

I have a checklist of what to bring back over the first week (keeping in mind bags may be heavy if all at once)

  • All workbooks used for reading writing maths
  • Handwriting book that students used (tracing letters and worksheets inside)
  • Any laminated resources that were given to you by the school at the beginning of remote learning (hundreds charts etc)
  • Any home readers belonging to the school that were given to you at the beginning of remote learning
  • Any counters dice and other maths resources that are not paper that were given to you
  • Completed Rainbow fish from Friday’s reading task
  • Completed what’s changed about me published work from Friday’s writing task
    (either shared online or printed, coloured in/ created)
  • Lunchbox with brain food fruit / vegetable snack
  • Try to have rubbish free lunches (rubbish will now be put back into lunchboxes after eating and taken back home) if bringing containers, please label them with names
  • Ensure all jumpers and hats and jackets are labelled with student names
  • Full water bottle also labelled with student names
  • ***Additional as I forgot, inexpensive headphones for use of ipads and chromebooks during literacy groups

Our sport/ specialist days in 1.O are Wednesday and Thursdays

Thank you again for all of your support and guidance of your children throughout remote learning 2.0.

– Miss Scott


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