Returning Monday

Dear Parents and Students!

We did it!
made it through the whirlwind roller coaster of remote learning and I for one cannot wait to be back in a classroom teaching your little ones.

I have a checklist of what to bring back over the first week (keeping in mind bags may be heavy if all at once)

  • All workbooks used for reading writing maths
  • Handwriting book that students used (tracing letters and worksheets inside)
  • Any laminated resources that were given to you by the school at the beginning of remote learning (hundreds charts etc)
  • Any home readers belonging to the school that were given to you at the beginning of remote learning
  • Any counters dice and other maths resources that are not paper that were given to you
  • Completed Rainbow fish from Friday’s reading task
  • Completed what’s changed about me published work from Friday’s writing task
    (either shared online or printed, coloured in/ created)
  • Lunchbox with brain food fruit / vegetable snack
  • Try to have rubbish free lunches (rubbish will now be put back into lunchboxes after eating and taken back home) if bringing containers, please label them with names
  • Ensure all jumpers and hats and jackets are labelled with student names
  • Full water bottle also labelled with student names
  • ***Additional as I forgot, inexpensive headphones for use of ipads and chromebooks during literacy groups

Our sport/ specialist days in 1.O are Wednesday and Thursdays

Thank you again for all of your support and guidance of your children throughout remote learning 2.0.

– Miss Scott


Welcome back!

Hi Parents and Students

I hope you have had a restful break for the past two weeks and are as excited as I am about getting back into our learning!

As per Mr Sheedy’s email, week 1 will be remote learning with the same timetable and Google meets set up as last term, so I will see all of your smiling faces in uniform at 9am Monday morning with reading groups and small writing and maths starting straight away.

Googlemeet code remains the same ” missscott ”

To prepare for a return to onsite in the second week, the year 1 team will be on onsite preparing and planning on Tuesday and therefore will not have our regular Google meets on this day. However the work is already uploaded and our expectations for its completion have not changed. Students won’t be able to log in for small groups or to ask questions or our check in for the end of the day.

Business as usual returns Wednesday back on Google meet.

This week’s learning will have a focus on skills we need to come back to school with.

As always, any questions or concerns I am available via email or via message on seesaw.

– Miss Scott

Thank you

Dear Parents,

This post if for you!

Thank you so much for the support and assistance you have offered and shown your kids over the past remote learning term.

It has been a huge effort by all and we really appreciate all you’ve done to progress your child’s learning.


We are so proud of them  and you for your adaptability, flexibility and the response to our online model of teaching.

We’ve all learnt new technological skills, found new ways to interact and focus our learning.

Enjoy a relaxing holidays away from screens, google meets, wushka, wordshark, study ladder and the blog

and hopefully enjoy some nice weather and family time in what is still a tricky time.

Wishing you all the best and looking forward to eventually getting back onsite in term 4!

– Miss Adelle Scott


FUN FRIDAY – dressing up!

Hi year 1s,

This Friday is our last FUN FRIDAY for term 3 and we are all so proud of you and the amazing work that you have been able to do from home.
To celebrate, we are having a dress up day!
You can come dressed up in a costume of your choice!
It could be anything from a karate kid to a netball player, from Sheriff Woody to Spiderman, a dancer to a doctor, a princess to a Clown.
It’s up to you!

Come and dress up on Friday and celebrate our term.

– Year 1 Team

R U OK day

Hi everyone

Its more important now more than ever to ask that simple question to friends, family and loved ones


On the google meet this morning, we did an activity all together on jamboard, the kids did really well and showed what they recognised about feeling ok and not ok.

one side we recognised what a person who is okay looks like

the other, recognising signs of someone who is not ok.


We watched a music video too which is a catchy song for the kids


theres some fantastic picture books that are aimed to help kids understand whats going on at the moment and that theres ways we can stay on contact and explain our feelings. check these out 🙂

Ruby’s worry –

While we can’t hug –

Boom! the book –

Alpaca –

The bear who stared –

Perfectly Norman –

In my heart –

The Colour Monster –

Words and your heart –

– Miss Scott

Fathers Day cards today

Hi Everyone,

Today we will be making fathers day cards.

Our morning meet will be reading a story and writing out our messages.

The afternoon meet at 12.15, will be making our cards, I will give instructions to the kids, and they can finish the cards by themselves in the afternoon.

Here is the template for the cards, if you cannot print it, the kids or you can draw the shapes for them to colour and cut out and stick onto another piece of paper

Father’s day card template

Thank you

  • Miss Scott



WHEN: Tuesday September 1st

TIME:  1PM – 1.30PM

The following students were interested yesterday

Yr 1 Scott

  • Carolina
  • Brandon
  • Taylah
  • Olivia F
  • Maisie
  • Mia
  • Alicia

However anyone can join Mrs Penza for a sing!


Message from Mrs Velardi

Hello year 1’s

Its Mrs Velardi here I’m missing you all and can’t wait to see you again real soon!

Just to let you know I’ve placed lots of fun, cool Kitchen Science activities for you to complete at home with your families.  At some stage next week i’d really like it if you can complete some of the activities and share them with me!

Have a look and above all have lots of fun!


Mrs Velardi.