Buongiorno ragazzi.
Weather and time.
We’re going to continue saying the weather in Italian but as a weather forecaster. You’ll create a script based on mine and say the day’s weather for parts of Italy. You will also include the time of day. You can film yourself, if you can, or otherwise, write a script but make sure you send it to me. If you want you can dress up like a newsreader.
Here is my script that I am going to read. You can modify it to suit yourself.
Buongiorno a tutti da Canale Diciotto. Io sono Umberto Pepperoni con Il tempo.( Hello to everyone from channel 18, I am Umberto Pepperoni with the weather.)
Milan, massimo trentacinque gradi, nuvoloso, qualche terramotto alle due. (Milan, maximum 38 degrees, cloudy, a few earthquakes at 2 pm.).
Roma, ventinove gradi, tranquille ma piove alle nove di sera. ( Rome, 29 degrees, tranquil but rain at nine in the evening.).
Napoli, quaranta gradi, sara` molto caldo, accendere fuoco e` vietato! Grandine alle otto di sera.( Naples, 40 degrees, it will be very hot, lighting fires is prohibited! Hail at 8 in the evening!).
Sicilia, quarantacinque gradi!! Sara` terribile! Acendere fuoco e` vietato!! Monte Etna esplodera` all’una! ( Sicily, 45 degrees!. It will be terrible! Lighting fires is prohibited! Mount Etna will erupt at 1 pm!
Buona giornata da Canale Diciotto, io sono Umberto Pepperoni. Prossime notizie, alle due del pomeriggio. ( Have a good day from Channel 18. I am Umberto Pepperoni. Next news at 2 in the afternoon.).
How to say the time in Italian: We say Alle, which in Italian means “At the” before each hour. For example At 2 is “Alle due”. At 3 is ” Alle tre”. and so on. However, for one o’clock we say “all’una” and for 12 in the afternoon, “a mezzogiorno” which literally means mid-day. Midnight is “mezzanotte.” Giorno means day and notte means night. Sera means, evening. Mattina means morning. Alle nove di sera means????????? At 9 in the evening, or 9 pm.
Alle cinque di pomeriggio means??????????? At 5 in the afternoon, or 5 pm.
You may like to substitute my words with these weather words if you wish when you create your weather script.
un ciclone– a cyclone, un tsunami-a tsunami, un terramoto-an earthquake, neve-snow, molta pioggia– lots of rain, nuvoloso-cloudy, grandine-hail. un temporale – a thunderstorm. qualche fulmine-some lightning.
Try and have a map of the regions and cities of Italy in the background, or draw these regions with pictures of the weather you described. It can be very simple. Look at my picture.
Can’t wait to see your script or film.
Ciao, Signor Curcio.