Term 3 Week 2 Year 3 L.O.T.E Italian Activities

Buongiorno bambini, I want you to finish your sentences about numbers and colours based on the story I’ve sent you in my film: Numeri e colori, below.

See if you can complete the sentences below by filling in the gaps in Italian. Use the words below.  Include a matching picture for each sentence. Grazie.

For example  :Here is Pinocchio with three yellow bananas =  “Ecco Pinocchio con tre banane gialle.”

Example 2 : Here is Signor Curcio with two pizzas =”Ecco Signor Curcio con due pizze”.

1. Here is Superman with ten red cars.     Ecco Superman con   ……..     ………    ……….  .

2.     Here is Cinderella with one golden carriage.  Ecco  ……..   con  una  carozza  ………..  .

3.     Here is Mario with five green pears.  Ecco Mario con    ……..  ……….    ……….  .

4.     Here is Luigi with seven  blue blue tennis balls.  Ecco   ………  con …….  palle di ……….  ………..  .

5.     Here is Maria with nine brown potatoes.  Ecco   Maria   ………  ………….  patate  ………..


una.  , tre,  cinque,  sette, , nove, dieci.

rosse  blu. verdi,

marroni, d’oro.

OTHER MISSING WORDS:  tennis,  patate.    pere,  macchine, Cinderella, Luigi.