Year 3 Week 5

Lesson 5

 Il trasporto-transport.


 In Italy most cars and  motorbikes are small mainly due to the expensive petrol and the mountainous terrain.


I mezzi di trasporto- Modes of transport.

Write the heading above and draw the pictures for each mode of transport below.

For example for la macchinetta draw the little car !

Use the pictures below to help you.


There are two modes of transport without a matching picture, so you may have to use your imagination to draw them. Good luck ragazzi!


1.La macchinetta,.2.  Il motorino, 3.L’elicottero,  4. il treno, 5.La barca, 6. la nave, 7.Il triciclo,


8.L’hovercraft, tram,10.La bicicletta, 11. La slitta, 12. Il razzo, 13. l’aeroplano,


14.Il traghetto, 15. la macchina, mongolfiera.17. l’autobus18.Il sottomarina.


Answers, in mixed order: The little car, The little motorbike, The rocket, The train, The ferry, The submarine, The hot air balloon, The helicopter, The train, The bicycle, The bus,The sled, The tricycle, The motorbike.

Ciao ragazzi.