Year 5 Week 5

Lesson 5

Cosa non ti piace? What don’t you like?


 “Non mi piace”means, “I don’t like”.


“Mi piace” means I like and  Mi piacciono means I like , but is the plural form of ‘Mi piace’. It is used when you like lots of the same thing. For example, I like the lollies, in italian is, ‘Mi piacciono le caramelle’.


In lesson 4 we practised writing what we like to do, by saying ‘Mi piace’ and then adding the details

 Now I am going to ask Pinocchio what he doesn’t like ; Cosa non ti piace Pinocchio? .


Pinocchio’s answers:

1.Non mi piacciono i ragni. ( I don’t like spiders). Mi piacciono le farfalle. (I like butterflies).Notice how I said “Mi piacciono’’ not, “Mi piace” ?

2.Non mi piace l’orso bruno! ( I don’t like the brown bear!)..

3.Non mi piace pulire il gabinetto! ( I don’t like cleaning the toilet)

4.Non mi piacciono gli squali! ( I don’t like sharks!)

Draw Pinocchio with the things he doesn’t like and a caption in Italian using the sentences above.


Write the heading ‘Non mi piace’. And 

draw the things you don’t like. Label them in Italian.


Draw yourself saying, ‘Non mi piacciono!’ and what you don’t like.

Ciao ragazzi!!