Prep Week 6

Lesson 6

Il pupazzo-The Snowman


Buongiorno bambini!


In Italy, during Winter, many towns and cities have snow. The children love to ride a sled, throw snow at each other and make a snowman, which they call a pupazzo!


Draw a snowman by drawing two circles, a large one for his body (corpo) and a smaller one for his head (testa). 


 Add a hat- (cappello),scarf-(sciarpa) his eyes (occhi),nose ( naso) make it look like a carrot, a mouth (bocca) that looks like chunks of charcoal. You can also draw branches for his arms (braccia). If you have space you can draw children (bambini) playing in the snow.


Pinocchio hopes you’ve been watching him in the film I’ve made. He thinks he’s a movie star. Mamma mia!  


Ciao bambini ! !