Lesson 6
Il pupazzo-snowman
During Winter, it snows in most towns and cities in Italy.
Children play in the snow. They ride sleds or throw snow at each other. Their favourite thing to do is to make a pupazzo, that means, snowman.
Do you remember what snow is called? Neve.
A sled is called? Slitta,
A snowman? Pupazzo.
Can you write the heading Pupazzo and draw a snowman.
Draw two circles. A big circle for the body and a smaller one for the head.
Give him a cappello, that’s a hat.
Due occhi neri, two black eyes.
Un naso, a nose. Make it look like a carrot.
A bocca, mouth. The mouth is usually made of bits of charcoal placed in a row.
Give him due braccia, that is two arms. They are usually two branches.
Don’t forget his sciarpa that means scarf.
Look at the picture I’ve sent you!
Ciao ciao bambini ! See you soon.
Pinocchio said he can’t wait for your chocolates!