Year 3 & 4 Italian Activities Week 7

Italian Week 7 Activities


Buongiorno/Hello and welcome/Benvenuti to week seven of remote learning Italian!

I am signora Velardi and would like to invite children to get involved and above all enjoy some of the
activities I have put together for them….. Enjoy Ragazzi and I look forward to receiving lots of feedback from you on Seesaw/emails etc.

Let’s begin by creating and presenting a weather forecast in Italian. 

Students will be using lots of different language skills to compile and put their pieces together. 

Language Focus:

Students will learn about  the weather tempo metereologico Numbers numeri, colors colori, temperature, temperatura, seasons. stagione

Here are some general statements below that your child might like to learn have a go and above all, have fun learning the Italian language!


Quali sono le previsioni del tempo per oggi?

What’s the weather forecast for today?


Quali sono le previsioni del tempo per questa settimana?

What’s the weather forecast for this week?


Com’è il tempo?

How’s the weather?


Che tempo fa?

What’s the weather like?


Che tempo fa fuori?

What’s it like outside?


View the clip below looking at the names of the different weather patterns. 

At the end of the clip there is a small test for them to complete, have a go and buona fortuna Good Luck!


Now let;s put together a weather booklet for you to keep and refer to.

For this activity you will need about 3 to 4 pieces of A4 paper.

Fold your pieces in half to create a booklet.

Staple the inside or the outside of your booklet to keep your pages in place.

Now start creating!

On each piece of paper I want you to draw one of the different weather words I will present below you can choose whichever ones you please

Then draw a picture for each, use the whole page and write the weather word at the bottom of your page.

Sole sun

vento: wind

pioggia: rain

neve: snow

grandine: hail

ghiaccio: ice

temporale: thunderstorm

nebbia: fog

nuvola: cloud

cielo: sky

Choose one of the above draw and label your picture in Italian and then please share with me!

I cant wait to see your lavoro work!

This was one of my students favorite songs during term 1 & 2, I thought id share it for all of you to enjoy!

Click the link below


To end the session with your kids you may also like to google Languages online Italian, and enjoy some of the interactive activities shared on the website.