Ciao ragazzi, come stai?
We are continuing our work on the weather and days of the week but we are turning our work into the week’s weather forecast. You will be describing the weather for each day and stating the temperature using my script below. Here is an example. You can listen to my film to refresh your memory on how to pronounce the words.
Buonasera ( Good evening) Io sono Mario Pazzo da Canale due ( I am Mario Pazzo from channel 2) con il tempo della settimana (with the week’s weather) da Roma ( from Rome).
Lunedi ( Monday), Bel tempo, ma nuvoloso ( beautiful weather but cloudy) Trentacinque gradi (35 degrees).
Martedi, (Tuesday), Pioggia (rain) Fa freddo. ( Its cold ) Venticinque gradi.( 25 degrees)
Mercoledi, (Wednesday) , Nuvoloso ( Cloudy), Grandine ( Hail) Diciotto gradi ( 18 degrees).
Giovedi ( Thursday), Chiaro ( Clear) C’e` sole ( There’s sun) Trenta gradi ( 30 degrees).
Venerdi ( Friday) Fulmine e temporale ( lightning and storms) Dodici gradi (12 degrees)
Sabato ( Saturday) Tira vento, ( Very windy) Fa molto caldo ( Very hot). Trentasei gradi ( 36 degrees)
Domenica (Sunday) Neve e nuvoloso, ( snow and cloudy) Venti gradi ( 20 degrees)
Ciao a tutti da Canale 2, Io sono Mario Pazzo. ( Bye to everyone From channel 2, I am Mario Pazzo)
See if you can make your own script. You can copy mine and change it a little.
Write it in your Italian book See if you can film yourself and send your film to me.
Ciao ragazzi.