Ciao ragazzi,
Todays lesson is about extreme weather and natural disasters! Terremoti- earthquakes, have been frequent and common because Italy is located on a fault-line. Tempeste-storms, occasionally cause flooding and destruction especially in Venice. Valanghe-avalanches, are common in Italy’s mountain ranges. Esplosione vulcanica-volcanic eruptions are quite common too, Pompeii was wiped out by one!
I have written some headlines for you to copy into your books. You need to write them and draw a matching picture.
1.Un terremoto danneggia il Colosseo di Roma! ( An earthquake damages the Colosseum of Rome)
2. Una tempesta inonda la piazza di San Marco a Venezia! ( A storm floods Saint Mark’s square in Venice)
3. Una valanga ferisce i turisti sul Monte Bianco! ( An avalanche injures tourists on Monte Bianco).
4. Etna esplode e bruccia villagi in Sicilia. ( Etna erupts and burns villages in Sicily.)
Try reading these headlines like a news reader. Film yourself. Introduce yourself and your channel. For example: “Buonasera, Io sono Mario Pesce, dal canale sette, con le notizie.” This translates to, “Good evening, I am Mario Fish,from channel seven ,with the news”.
You may like to write how many are injured-feriti, missing-scomparse.
Look at my film for more information.
Take care ragazzi.
A presto! See you soon. Signor Curcio.