Year 4 Week 1

Hi Students,

Being physically active can have many social, emotional and health benefits. That is why we would like you to stay active as much as you can during this remote learning period. Try and be active for at least 60 mins a day.


We will put activities on this Phys. Ed. learning space each week. You can do these activities individually, or better still, with your family.


We’re sure you’ll find these activities fun! 🙂


This week it’s fitness exercises. Turn your home into a gym for 30 minutes twice a day.  Set aside a 30 minute home challenge and you’ll feel ready to face anything. You might have to move some furniture aside or go in the backyard and go through the following exercises like a circuit:




  • Squats x 15.
  • Tricep dips x 15.
  • Step Ups (onto a raised platform) x 15
  • Lunges x 15.
  • Push-ups x 15.
  • Shuttle runs x 15
  • Sit ups/crunches X 15
  • Rest and repeat!


If conditions permit (check with Mum & Dad) do this at a nearby park instead.

Also, remember that if you can’t do these exercises on any particular day, or maybe you don’t feel like doing the same thing every day, there’s other fun ways to get physically active at home:

  • Spend some time on your trampoline (if you have one)
  • Backyard family games (hopscotch, elastics, down ball etc)
  • Skipping
  • Kick to self, handball to self etc
  • Bounce & catch a ball against a wall
  • Online yoga (check with Mum & Dad)
  • Walking, jogging, bike riding (check with Mum & Dad)


Keep smiling!

Mr. Cremona & Ms. Muir