Year 6 Week 9

Hi Students,

I hope you’ve been staying active! 🙂

Keeping active throughout these times at home is extremely important. You need to get off that couch! 🙂

Remember, you should be aiming to be physically active for at least 60 minutes every day. And it doesn’t have to be 60 minutes of the same thing. Mix it up. The important thing is to stay active.

This week we are going to make a P.E. board game! The following is just an example. Have a look at some other examples on . You can make something similar to this one or come up with your own. You can include as many exercises as you wish too. You can also use a dice and a marker instead of a fidget spinner, where you get to roll the dice and do the exercise that your counter lands on. Get creative and, once finished, get all the family to join in and play with you.

Keep Smiling!

Mr. Cremona & Ms. Muir