Year 5 Week 4

Hello Everyone!

Hoping that you’ve had a great week & managed to stay off the couch & find your 60 – Finding 60 minutes of physical activity a day can lead to a happier and healthier lifestyle for you and your family.  

This week we are going retro again! These activities are great ones to do with the whole family. I bet your Mum & Dad will remember doing them when they were in school.


A simple game that can be played by 1-6 people. 

  • Draw a hopscotch design on the ground
  • Throw a flat stone or similar object (marker), to land on square one
  • Hop through the squares, skipping the one you have your marker on
  • Pick up the marker on your way back
  • Pass the marker on to the next person

Have a look at this:



So much fun! There’s different ways that you can play this. My favourite is to start at the ankles & progress to knees, thighs, waist, underarms doing the jingle jangle (see the youtube clip).



You can do it by yourself or in a big group – if you have a big family. Great for fitness & good fun. Check out the world champions in the final youtube clip.


After you’ve practised for the week we’d love to see a video of your new skills!

Keep Smiling!

Ms. Muir & Mr. Cremona