Hi Students,
Are you staying active?
We hope you liked the RETRO activities we had for you last week. Which one was your favourite? I’m sure Mum and Dad would have remembered playing some of those games.
This week, to help you stay off the couch 😉 , you are going to work on some fitness exercises through a game of FITNESS BINGO!
Remember to be active for at least 60 minutes every day. Apart from these fitness exercises, you can also stay active by going for a walk, jog, or a bike ride with your family.
Fitness Bingo
This is how you play:
- Challenge someone in your family
- Look at the grid of exercises and choose a row that you’d like to start with
- Whoever completes a row of tasks correctly first wins that round
- Repeat for the other rows and see who wins most rounds
- Someone else in your family can judge if you are doing the exercises properly
- If you are up to it, try and challenge someone to go through all the rows without stopping. Whoever finishes all the exercises first gets BINGO!
- If you can’t find anyone to challenge, you can time yourself doing these tasks and then try to beat your own time
10 Star Jumps | 5 Burpees | 30 second Wall Sit | 20 Sit Ups | 10 Push Ups |
10 Lunges (each leg) | 15 Mountain Climbers | 30 second Plank | 5 Crunches | 15 Squats |
10 Leg Raises | 30 Step Ups | 5 Tuck Jumps | 20 High Knees | 10 Sit Ups |
20 Push Ups | 20 second Plank | 30 Squats | 10 Burpees | 15 second Wall Sit |
10 Toe Touches | 10 Crunches | 20 Walking Lunges | 20 Star Jumps | 20 Leg Raises |
Keep Smiling!
Mr. Cremona & Ms. Muir