Year 6 Week 7

Hi Students,

Hope you’re all doing fine. Welcome to Week 7. How did you go with those tennis ball challenges last week? Hope you enjoyed them. If you haven’t practised all of them and you still want to have a go, feel free to do them again this week. Or any time you want really, as they are really good for your hand-eye coordination.

Below are 5 different fun ideas for you to get active while you’re at home. Feel free to repeat the ones you enjoy the most. If you would like more similar ideas check out Sport Australia’s website – Find Your 30 at home

Don’t forget, finding your 60 minutes of physical activity a day can lead to a happier and healthier lifestyle for you and your family. Everyone wants that!


  1. Netball/Basketball Fun – Ringmaster
  • Use or make a netball/basketball ring in your backyard
  • Challenge yourself to shoot for 30 minutes and score 50 goals
  • Make it fun, by having a family member rebound and pass the ball to you, before swapping over
  • Try shooting from different spots and add a pivot before you shoot

Step it up:

  • Set your timer for 30 minutes, score 50 goals, then go again and try to beat your time
  • Move further away from the net
  • Increase the number of goals you go for in 30 minutes
  • Add in some obstacles to run around before you shoot

Tips and Tricks:

If you haven’t got a netball/basketball ring, pick a target on a wall. Or even put a ring on the ground.

Just getting started?Shoot at a lower ring or use a lighter ball.


  1. Pedal Power – Ride Your Bike
  • This is a fun one. Find your local bike path and see just where it can take you by following its twists and turns. Make sure your parent is watching you or better still, joining in the fun
  • A 30 minute ride with a drink stop is a great way to find your 30. Mix up this challenge by taking a different bike path each time
  • When going for a bike ride, remember to stay 1.5m away from people who don’t live with you and don’t touch outdoor play gyms or share equipment.
  • Take your family along

Step it up:

  • Increase your heart rate by doing short bursts of faster and slower pedalling
  • Add some hills into the ride
  • Create a circuit and try to beat your time on each attempt

Tips and tricks:

Google maps is your riding partner here. Use it to plan a route. If it’s raining or bad weather, how about using a stationary exercise bike inside?

Just getting started? If you’re not a very experienced rider, choose a flat bike route and take it easy.

Do you prefer a scooter or a skateboard? Go for it!


  1. Walk with your Furry Friend
  • You know who gets excited at the mention of “walkies”? That’s right
  • You should too and take your furry friend out for 30 minutes of fun
  • If going for a walk or run outside of your own property, remember to stay 1.5m away from people who don’t live with you and don’t touch outdoor play gyms or share equipment

Step it up:

  • Build up to a jog and then to a run
  • Take your dog to the beach(when stage 4 restrictions are over) and try walking and/or running on the sand

Tips and Tricks:

Check out different dog parks in your area. While the dog runs free, take the opportunity to do some fitness activities such as: push ups, ab exercises, 20 second sprints or lunges to the next tree.

Just getting started? Start with a walk.


  1. Frisbee Business – Family Frisbee Fun
  • Time yourself for 30 minutes of throwing a frisbee between family at the beach, the park or the backyard – and try to keep it in your own backyard! 🙂
  • See how many catches you can make without dropping the frisbee

Step it up:

  • Jog on the spot while waiting to catch/throw the frisbee.
  • Turn it into a game of two on two
  • Make goals and try to throw the frisbee through the goals

Tips and tricks:

Choose an open area away from trees, rivers and roads to avoid losing your frisbee.

Just getting started? Stand closer together.


  1. Make Your Mark – Aussie Rules kick to kick
  • Swing that leg for 30 minutes, kicking the footy to your partner, who can try to mark or take a speccy!
  • Then get them to kick it back to you and you can show them the true meaning of spectacular! 😉 
  • Or, just see who can kick the best goal

Step it up:

  • Time how long it takes you to mark the ball a number of times, and then try to beat your time
  • Move further apart after each successful mark
  • Make the marks more challenging; one-handed, above the head, on the chest etc.
  • Kick from different angles and distances, aim for smaller and smaller targets

Tips and tricks:

Avoid spaces with lots of trees or windows nearby. Kick with the sun to the side.

Just getting started? Start closer together or use a soft ball.


Keep Smiling!

Mr. Cremona & Ms. Muir