Prayer Crosses

Good morning! 

You will be getting a wooden Prayer Cross to your classroom by the end of the day. This is for your prayer table next year, as we have counted them and checked them. Please put them away in your cupboards and we will hand out separate prayer boxes at the start of next year. 

Thank you for all your support and hard work over the year,

The R.E. Team 

Advent Wreaths

Good afternoon! 

As you continue to pack up your classrooms, could we please ask that you keep your Advent Wreath, candle holder (if applicable) and candles in the room that you are currently in, stored in the cupboards ready for next year? We will come and collect prayer cloths and any other school items today and tomorrow. 

Thank you, 

Alessia and Reggie 

R.E. Audit of Resources

Good Afternoon!!

Reggie and I would like to audit our school R.E. resources to see what we have, what we need and what we no longer need. If you find any school  R.E. resource as you pack your classes up for the summer next week, could you please leave them (safely!) in the R.E. office? This includes Bibles, TKWL books, anything that belongs to the school.

Thank you, enjoy the weekend,

Alessia and Reggie

Donation Boxes

Good morning!

On Friday, families were sent a message on Skooloop asking them to contribute a small amount (not exceeding $10)  towards the Christmas markets, with any profits raised to be passed on to the ASRC. All level leaders will be given 2 labelled boxes for the year level to collect money over the course of this week.  Please send money to the office if you do collect any, each day. 

Please note: Parents were also given the option to donate via CDF pay or via the office too. 

Thank you! 

Purple Prayer Cloths

Good Afternoon! 

This afternoon, the year 6’s handed out the Advent Wreaths. On Monday, I would like the Social Justice Groups C and D to come around and change your prayer cloths to purple and set up the wreath. In preparation, could you please check for purple cloths and let me know if you are missing any? 

Reggie and I will collect everything on your prayer tables the week after to get ready for the new academic year. 

Thank you!



Please find some provocations that could elicit some good discussion in the classroom which we were given at our last REL network meeting. Please be judicial on which might work best for you. Thank you, Alessia and Reggie