Footy tipping 2024

Good afternoon all,

Not long to go until the 2024 Footy season begins!! 🏉
If you would like to join in on the fun, don’t forget to download the ESPN app and sign up if you haven’t already!!

The cost to join is $30.00 💰 You are welcome to hand cash into the office or transfer the funds to Leah.

💳 Commonwealth Bank 💳
Account name: Leah Whitford
BSB: 063599
Acc no. 10113961



Classroom Cleaning Supplies

Good morning everyone!

As most of you are aware, I came around to your classrooms this morning to give you all your classrom cleaning supplies. If you weren’t in your room, I have put them on your desk.

All classrooms, including specialists with a classroom have been supplied with the following:
1x Bucket
1x Dust pan & brush
1x Multi purpose cleaning spray
1x Hand sanitiser
1x Packet of paper towel

Tissues were with each year levels back to school order for you to distribute to each classroom (8 boxes per class)
Specialists teachers, I have placed 8 boxes in each of your rooms today.
If your classroom runs out of tissues, please send either Steph or Leah an email and we will bring you down a new supply of tissues as soon as we can.

Cleaning spray & paper towels
A reminder to all staff that the cleaning spray is a poison and students are to be supervised if using and it should be kept out of reach.
If you run out of spray or paper towels, please send a student down from your class to collect new supplies.

Hand Sanitiser
Please remember that when your classroom hand sanitiser is empty, to send the empty bottle back to the office as we refill them.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the office.




Important – Attn: Teachers

Hello Teaching staff,

We’re coming up against a problem where teachers are overriding extended absences when marking the roll on Nforma.
Please take the time to check the absences that are already entered and DO NOT re-enter them.
When you select students on the left and ‘group’ enter the absence it changes the existing entry to unexplained meaning families that have already explained the absence will get a text message asking them to explain.
If there is no change to the absences already on your screen, all you have to do is click confirm roll. It will give you this pop up







If there are changes, only tick the children absent that do not have an explanation. You can either enter them individually or as a group as long as you do not amend what has already been entered. for example:

You would not select the pink highlighted students in this class as they all have an explanation.

If you have an additional student absent you would need to select that student only and change their status to absent, unknown at the moment, then click confirm roll and it will give you the above pop up. If you click Yes, update as Present, Nforma will mark the rest of your students as present.

If there are no students absent you don’t need to select anyone, just click confirm roll and everyone will change to Present.

Remember, if you make a mistake it is easily fixed as long as it’s done on the same day. So please try to mark correctly and if it goes wrong, call the office for assistance.

It is a legal requirement that the roll be marked first thing in the morning and after the break. This information downloads to MACS on a nightly basis – this is why we’re constantly following up if your roll is not marked.


If you have any questions re Nforma please refer to the user guide sent out by Chris last term or speak with the admin team and we will guide you through.
If you’re just not getting it and feel like you need more help, please book an appointment with Chris and she will spend some time with you going over the process.

Thank you

The Admin Team



Junior Bathrooms

Good morning,

It has been brought to Aggi’s attention that the Junior bathrooms in our main building are being used inappropriately, especially the girls.

The students are wetting toilet paper and throwing it up onto the roof, causing it to stick to the roof and light fittings and the light switch has also been damaged.

Aggi has asked that students are being vigilantly supervised when using the bathrooms and teachers to have a chat with your class about the condition of the bathrooms and respecting school property.


Tissue boxes

Good afternoon everyone,

It has been brought to our attention that the big boxes of tissues that were handed to all year levels at the end of last year have gone missing.

We ordered more tissues which arrived today and each teacher will be provided 8 boxes of tissues that you are to keep in your classroom for when they are needed.

Teachers, could you please send 2 students down to the office Thursday or Friday to collect your tissues.


nforma – Early leavers

Good afternoon all,

I have noticed with some of the afternoon rolls that students who have left early are getting marked as a whole afternoon absence.
If a student leaves school before 1:35pm it is a whole afternoon absence but if the student has left after 1:35pm it is considered an early dismissal.
There is a drop down box next to each student where you can select the time the student left and this will change “present” to “Early departure from school”

Reminder: Afternoon rolls MUST be marked once you bring the students back in from second break.
