Wednesday 15th September….

Hi Year 5,  here is the music activity and memories video from today’s online Performing Arts lesson as promised.  It was great to see you all.

Memories – Maroon 5 (Sung by One Voice Children’s choir)


WOULD YOU RATHER? (Music Rhythm Game)



September (Earth, Wind & Fire) Body Percussion



Hello Year 5 and 6 Students….. I hope you are all keeping well and active.


It may be a little difficult at home, but it would be great if you are still working on your ideas and scripts for the News Flash performances.  Even if you can’t work with your group members, write down your own ideas and begin your own script, some of the ideas that were shared back at school were fantastic.


Here is the Criteria list once again.


  • Each group must have a minimum of 3 participants or a maximum of 5
  • Each group is to have at least one News Reporter
  • The news flash is about either a Performing Artist (past or present) OR an Olympian (as discussed in class)
  • Have a little research about your person – country of birth, when career  / sporting journey began, inspirations, role models, etc…
  • A piece of Music must be included (a snippet is fine, not the whole song) ….. be creative with how this is used.
  • Each group must have a script
  • Each character is to demonstrate tempo & pitch in their acting  / speaking.
  • Accents can be used if you want to.

Be Creative ….. I Can’t wait to see how these are coming along.


Keep Smiling….