WARM UP:  Choose a just dance from the just dance tab or do one of our drama warm ups that you like. I chose to do SUMMER Just Dance today, that’s a very good workout!

Our learning intention today is to create ‘chords’ in your song maker. We started to do this together with boomwhackers at the end of last term.  I have included the song BINGO below, so you can see the notes that go together in that chord. (Remember, a chord is 3 notes played together -) the colour of the background is what chord it is.  For example the first chord in BINGO is C Chord (as the background colour is red like C) .  Have another listen to the songs I have included and have a go and creating C, G, Am, F chords.

If you’d like a challenge, you can add the melody over the top.

I have also included ‘One song’ ….the 2018 Count Us In Song, you might get some inspiration from that or you might just like to hear it and sing to it again!!

Click here for song maker 

Musical Chords 


If you’d like another activity, here is Chrome lab rhythm maker. You can use the arrows to choose your favourite character and drum kit and click on the grid to make a rhythm.

Click hear to  go to Chrome lab rhythm

Have fun creating these chords and rhythms you creative year 5 musicians!!

I look forward to hearing from you 🙂