End of Term

A few things for the end of Term

Please clear any personal items you have in the fridge or cupboards in the staffroom or common areas. Anything left behind will be disposed of.

Please move classroom tables and chairs to the side – the more carpet available to clean, the better job the cleaners can do. If you have spare tables and chairs or need more due to a change in classroom numbers, please let Davis know and Tim will move them over the break.
Windows should be completely clear so they can be cleaned – please ensure all sticky tape, blue tak etc is removed from internal and external windows and doors

Archiving – documents that need to be archived should be wrapped, sealed and labeled with the year, class name and teacher name and sent to the office.

Please send the red CRT folders to the office

Student files – student samples to be filed in the red filing cabinets. The actual cabinets will be moved to the correct year level at the beginning of next year.

School chair bags and pencil cases will move up with your students so please put them in piles A, B, C & D and send them to next year’s classrooms.
Any leftover student workbooks are to go home with the students today. If the student is absent, send it to next year’s classroom.

If you are moving rooms, please ensure the room is left how you would like to find it, clean & tidy.

We will advise when January cleaning is complete (via email) and it is ok for you to come in and start setting up your rooms if you choose to. Please remember to text Davis or Aggi if you are coming in throughout the holidays, on arrival and departure.

Thank you


Guard of honour this afternoon

Hi all

I hope you have all been well. As per tradition (and this is more for the new staff) we will be having our Guard of Honour for all our Year 6 students this afternoon
The Year 6 students will be exiting from the door closer to the big playground. We are happy if there are some Year 5 students waiting for us in the Year 5 area, so we will snake our way down the stairs closer to the elevator. From there, the students will walk alongside the building heading towards the grass area. As it is a small area, we are thinking, could it be possible to create a snake-like shape on the grass area, so it takes them longer to exist through to the Druscilla Place gate? Students will need to be standing on both sides to allow the students to walk through – those who are new please ask other teachers for some support.
It would be best if, the students have their bags packed and taken outside, for an outside dismissal. If everyone could make your way out at 3:10 that way you have 5 minutes to prepare yourself. We would like to begin the guard of honour at 3:15. After the Yr 6s walk-through, any departing students from other year levels and departing staff can follow.

Advent Wreaths

Good afternoon! 

As you continue to pack up your classrooms, could we please ask that you keep your Advent Wreath, candle holder (if applicable) and candles in the room that you are currently in, stored in the cupboards ready for next year? We will come and collect prayer cloths and any other school items today and tomorrow. 

Thank you, 

Alessia and Reggie 

chook checkers over the holidays

Thank you so much to those who have put their hands up already to come in on certain days to help check on the chooks. I am still looking for people to cover three more days over the holidays. I can’t do them because I will be overseas but if you can help please let me know ASAP so that I know all dates are covered and the eggs are all yours when you come in to check on the chooks.

The days I still have available are,

Sunday 21st January

Tuesday 23rd January

Saturday 27th January



chook checkers wanted for the holidays

Thank you to those who have put their hands up already to come in on certain days to help check on the chooks. I am still looking for people to cover ten more days over the holidays. If you can help please let me know and the eggs are all yours when you come in to check on the chooks.

The days I still have available are

Monday 1st January

Wednesday 3rd January

Tuesday 9th January

Thursday 11th January

Monday 15th January

Wednesday 17th January

Friday 19th January

Sunday 21st January

Tuesday 23rd January

Saturday 27th January

Hoping you can help out.



chook checkers wanted over the holidays

Hi everybody,

I am looking for staff to come in and check on the chooks over the Christmas holidays starting Wednesday 20th December. Can you please let me know if you would like to come in on one of the following days. But you MUST be available for the day you nominate. Once I have all the dates covered I will come and see you about what needs to be done. Last year it was every three days but I found it was too long and the chooks were nearly running out of water and food so this time it is every two days.

Wednesday 20th December

Sunday 24th December

Tuesday 26th December

Thursday 28th December

Monday 1st January

Wednesday 3rd January

Friday 5th January

Tuesday 9th January

Thursday 11th January

Monday 15th January

Wednesday 17th January

Friday 19th January

Sunday 21st January

Tuesday 23rd January

Thursday 25th January

Saturday 27th January


Thanks in advance                                           Geoff