Learning Intention: connect to text using our personal experience.
Teacher video: Watch Miss Toro on how she can make a connection to the book.
Task: go to your reading group to see your follow up activity
(Alex, Gloria, Julien, Marty)
Learning Intention: We are learning to write a procedure to inform our audience.
Warm Up: wordshark 10 minutes
Teacher video: watch the video of the man being told how to make a sandwich with Miss Scott’s voice over.
- write a very specific procedure of how to make a sandwich that won’t have your audience smearing butter with their hands!
- Use the sentence starters in your pack to help you out if you need.
Learning Intention: We are learning to order items and compare their Mass.
Warm up: Locating numbers on a 120 chart, close eyes, drop counter, whats 10 more, 10 less.
What you need
- 120 Chart, counter
Teacher video:
- Find any item around your house
- Go find an item that is lighter
- Go find an item that is heavier then the second item
- Draw and label items in order
Now, look at the three items. Explain How are they all different or similar?
Challenge: can you imagine and draw other items in your house that will be much heavier or much lighter than the items you have?
Additional activity : can you imagine and draw items you’d find at school that would be much lighter or much heavier than the items you have?