

Learning Intention:We are learning to monitor ourselves when we read

Teacher video: Watch Miss Scott model how she re-reads page 3 when sentences didn’t make sense, she makes sure the words she reads look right, sound right and make sense then she re-read to sound nice and smooth.

Task: go to your reading group to see your follow up activity

(Alex, Gloria, Julien, Marty)


Learning Intention: We are learning to join two ideas using the word ‘because’

Warm up: wordshark 10 minutes

Our experiment was done this morning on Google Meet.

Teacher Video: Watch Mr Said setup today’s experiment and explain your task


  1. Write the word ‘Hypothesis’: You are to make a prediction/hypothesis on what you think is going to happen to the pepper on the plate
  2. Write the word ‘Materials’: Write all the materials needed

Here are some important words to use


3. Your sentence starters might be

  • I hypothesize that………. because…

4. Draw a picture of the experiment of what it looked like at the start


You can do this experiment too and see what happens

during the afternoon lessons.


Learning Intention: We are learning to recognise we can only share equally using even numbers

Warm up:Counter drop

Organise the counters dropped into equal groups

Teacher Video:

Watch and listen to Miss Mifsud explain your task.


Share Bears 

  1. You are to choose a number of bears and write this number at the top of your page. 
  2. Now with your number of bears you are to share them with two people 


Show me how you are deciding.

How do you know whether that number of teddies has been shared equally?

How will you record which numbers do share fairly?

*If your number of Bears were not shared equally choose another number to share between two people.


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Extra Resources and lessons and linked under the tab Resources

Specialist Lessons and links are under the tab Specialist Links

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