Learning Intention: We are learning to use a range of strategies to take words apart and understand what they mean.
Teacher Video:
Task: go to your reading group to see your follow up activity
(Alex, Gloria, Julien, Marty)
Learning Intention: We are learning to write letters correctly
What you need: Handwriting booklet
Warm Up: wordshark 10 minutes
*This needs to be complete everyday for 10 minutes,
Teacher Video: Watch and listen to the prayer ‘Our Father’
- Complete the next page in your handwriting book.
- We have been praying the ‘Our Father’ prayer throughout the year, today we are going to practice writing the Our Father Prayer.
- You are to use the prayer above to rewrite it in your work books using your best handwriting. Make sure you include the full stops and capital letters.
Learning Intention: We are learning to follow directions.
Warm up: 9 more 9 less
Study Ladder
Complete this Study Ladder Task called ‘Interpret simple maps’ and all other task.
12:15 Log back onto Google Meet
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